Free Traffic Part 1 




Why buy Website Traffic?

When you can get it for free?

If you run a website or Blog one of your main concerns is
how do I get people to come visit my website. For those

of us that run one of these things we call it Traffic

Website traffic is the life-blood of your on-line business. An increase in website traffic produces more SALES which in turn produces more INCOME for you. Without lots of website traffic, it's virtually impossible to make any serious money from your website.

With all the places  you can post your link on the web,
it is a wonder why people buy PPC advertising for their

Website or Blog at all.

You've got forums, link exchanges, directories and
other forms of media like articles and video, not mention
web 2.0 to blast targeted traffic to your website everyday
of the week.

So I ask you why buy Website Traffic? When you can simply
make it.

Here are 5 quick tips to make traffic & sales


Yahoo answers: Post an article on your website

that is related to a question on yahoo answers and
post that in your source section as you answer the
question. Then on the article on your website at the
bottom sell something related to the question yahoo
BAM instant cash to you via a sale and a
link from yahoo answers to your website 100% FREE.

Tip 2. Its a great place to get free targeted
traffic, how to do almost anything: So write a quick 400
word article and post it on ehow and put your
keyword you want to come up for as your title. At the
bottom of your article your allowed a couple links that
point back to your website. Targeted traffic 100% FREE

Tip 3.

Forum Marketing This is easy go to a forum and do the
same technique that you do for yahoo answers in your
sig line and do, like 5 posts a day; Tip when answering
questions look for most viewed, you'll get more people
clicking over to your website.

Just doing these 3 tips you'll be able to get traffic and
sales to your website not to mention all the other things
you can be doing to drive FREE targeted visitors to you

Future articles will cover marketing your site on the social

networks. and other FREE targeted traffic techniques.

Marketing forums are a great place to spread the word about Your Business. Imagine, every post you make could attract the few key people that could explode your visitor Traffic.


Just make it habit, browse around and post a few messages day. This way you're planting small seeds that could amount to a lot - 5 minutes at a time.


But PLEASE be careful, the line between posting just to get
your signature ad exposed, and posting because you're actually participating in the forum is a pretty thin one. You'll learn a lot about marketing here if  you participate honestly.


Here's are some example signature ads you can use.

Dennis Lozen
DLX Business Reviews

Dennis Lozen


Before you start using signatures that promote your site or business read the Terms of Service for the forum that you are participating in. You can very easily get yourself banned from the forum for simply not knowing the rules. I've got the tee shirt to prove it.

Here's a list of the top marketing forums on-line


Warrior Forum


Note: the rest of these forums have not been checked
recently, so some of these links may be dead, or lead to inactive forums.


Lesley Fountain's Friends In Business Board

Steve MacLellan's Home Business Web Site's Board

Steve Shubitz’s Geek//Talk Forum For Publishers & Merchants

Mark Hunteridge's Inner Circle Forum

Heidi and Dave Perry's Home Business Forum

Willie Crawford's Marketing Forum

Lynn Terry's Self Starter Weekly Tips Forum

Armando B. Silva's Business Ideas Forum

Webpro World Forum

Internet.Com Forums

The Small Business Forum

Allan Gardyne's Forum

Phil Wiley's Affiliate Talk Forum

Harvey Segal's ClickBank Success Forum

Marketing Vox News And Discussion About Great Copy Online

Ken Silver’s Home Publisher Success Forum *

Mike Merz's IM4 Newbies Internet Marketing

Merle’s Mission Discussion Board, Where Webmasters Talk About Web Business



Now the Biggie!!!

This is information I've never seen in a Guru's eBook or
Training course and it is the most effective for a person
new to marketing on the Internet.
I think it's one of the
most effective ways to get traffic to your website or

BLOG and it also increases your standing with the
search engines.

Tip 4. 

Free email Advertising!!

Did I say on my welcome page that there ain't no such thing as a free lunch? Yep, but there is such a thing as Free Advertising.

 We're going to explore the ways of generating it.

How would you like to send email ads to Thousands of people without a responder list? This is something that the Guru's don't ever tell
you about. Why? they want you to buy their books. 

It's also the way they test their ad copy before they spend a bunch of money on PPC ads. It took me a year to discover them.

What's the catch?

Well you're going to have to read a LOT of email to keep your credits up. Now if you're making thousands of dollars a month this might not be worth your time and you might want to buy those credits. It's still a LOT cheaper than advertising on Google.

If you don't have a list built this is a GREAT and effective way to get your message out. Just ignore the one-time-offers when you sign up for these services.

What I did was join one service and then gradually joined more as I got the hang of it. What these guys do is send each other emails pushing their products. You get points for reading their email for at least 20-30 seconds. The first one I'm going to tell you about guarantees to not send more than 40 emails a day.

This is the one that I paid $197.00 for a years service. what I got for that was the ability to send 3000+ emails every three days. That translates of visitors stuck around for a fairly long time. I used to be happy with 20-30 visitors a day. now the average is 30 times that number. with 2.41 visitor returns.

Here we go. the primary email list builder I signed up with is:



Now you don't have to sign up for their $197.00 upgrade but I would advise it. They will also give you a feed to  other list builder services when you send out your emails List Joe also sends the email to them.

Just take your time and get used to their services. I GUARANTEE you will see a large increase in your traffic and as a result sales...

when you sign up for these services. put on you sales resistance'll get pitched at a LOT.

Below is a list of other services that perform a similar function, although each one does it a little differently.

List Auction

 I've found this site to be very effective. It has a click-thru rate of over 1% for most of my ads. This is very good.



This site has not been very effecive for me. Perhaps it will work out better for you. 


Your Lucky List



 Leads Leap



 Viral Networks


List Jumper 

This one has a unique way of getting you moved to the top of the list. It's hard to explain. See for yourself. 


Viral Ads Unleashed


List Surfing is what you get when you combine traffic exchanges with list building. More on traffic exchanges later. This is one of the more effective list builders. I've gotten as high as a 2.7% click through rate for my ads.

List Surfing  


 This last one is difficult to locate the free mail but it's there. 



  List_Builders_101 is a This FREE eBook is a must read resource to show 
   you how to get the
most out of list builder websites.
   If you don't read it, you will lose a lot of time and
   sales (money) learning it on your own.

most from list builders

most out of list builder websites.
   If you don't read it, you will lose a lot of time and
   sales (money) learning it on your own.


  Right click on the following link

select Save as to download the book


your list will build    If you follow the instructions in this book your list will grow  much faster than you ever would have expected.

if you follow the instructions in the book  


Tip 5.

Traffic Exchange Advertising

I've found TRAFFIC EXCHANGES to be the most

effective way to get large amounts of traffic
to my website without  breaking the bank
trying to establish
my sales and advertising.


I spent a LOT of time surfing websites. but
found it to be well worth it.  About 78% of the
 traffic is hit-and-run but that's the nature of
traffic exchanges.




They are part of the game and sometimes worth what they are offering.

 Here are the top traffic exchanges worth joining.


Topsurfer - A great exchange and you can earn money which is instantly paid into your egold account.




Traffic Swarm– Works very well with splash pages as a way of capturing subscribers. This is a very effective site.



Traffic Splash - is one of my favorite traffic exchanges. It Pays up to 70% comissions and literally pays for itself each month at the minimum.


  TS25 – This one is very large, and with bonus credits, its fun to surf and build your own list at the same time for Free? It can be done.


 I Love Hits -This is one of the oldest traffic Exchanges on-line and produces good results. has a lot of entertaining things to do while surfing


 VitalViral - This is not a traffic exchange.  It ties in all the traffic exchange sites in to one control panel and makes a tedious job fairly easy. Give it a try. It took me a while to set up but it was a joy to run. well worth the pro upgrade.


  Traffic Witch is one of my favorite Traffic Exchanges, It's relatively new but is a great exchange that yields a lot of free traffic. and Pays up to 70% commissions. This is another site that pays for itself.



 WebBizInsider - Very high quality traffic - very easy to surf and pick up credits. You also have the option of purchasing downlinks. unheard of on any other traffic exchange.



There are so many traffic exchanges out there that the list can go on forever. 

I would advise just signing on with one or two of the above sites and use them until you get used to them. I GUARANTEE  you will find out about a LOT more sites than are listed here simply by surfing on them.

The secret is be PATIENT. Everything you do builds on what you did earlier. 

The above listed sites are a SMALL sample of the Traffic Exchanges that are available. Confusing... It was until the affiliate funnel got to be popular. The actual site customers rate the traffic exchanges. Click on the link below to get a list of the top 25 Traffic exchanges. 

AfilliateFunnel rank report 

Take your time and learn how to make Traffic Exchanges work for you. You can leverage them so that over time they pay you and you won't have to surf at all. It takes time but it can be done. Here's a link to a book that tells you how to do it.

Stacked Income If used properly can create a very reasonable residual income for you using Traffic Exchanges.




Download this free eBook and use it as a guide for getting started with traffic exchanges. Most people never use them correctly.

Right click on the book and select



Here's how to make things work a LOT faster. It took me a while to learn this and it cost me a lot of time and effort until I wised up. 

1. Start by promoting only one program or web site. 

2. Use the rest of your time and resources promoting your
down-links with their banner ads and splash pages. 

Doing this will pay off in the long run.

These exchanges work better and better the more people that you have in your down-links. You not only get paid commissions you get credits for the surfing that they do on the traffic exchanges.


The list builders work the same way.


If you do it right and build your down-links properly you won't have to surf at all except to keep the account alive or check on what the competition is doing. That's the ideal condition.


Free Traffic and someone else builds it for you...


There are so many traffic exchanges on-line and bigger isn't always better. It is good to have your splash pages promoting on some of the big exchanges, but by using Firefox, you can surf 10+ at the same time, so why not trial some smaller ones that may have untapped markets. As well as the 11 mentioned above, why not join and surf 5 others too?


Simply do a Google search and you will find them nice and fast. or watch the ads on the traffic exchanges. TE's are always promoting themselves on other sites


Keep in mind that you will be looking at a LOT of ads and receive a LOT of one-Time offers when you sign up for these services and log on to these services. So use them as a educational tool. determine which ads catch your attention and why. and what ads turn you off. Use that information in your advertising.



If you get enough traffic and sales you might be able to afford one of these.

Now at my age it really doesn't matter. It would be like a dog chasing a car!

What do you do with it, when you catch it?



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