Build A Site That Works!



Do Not Build Yet Another Unvisited Web Site

Standard, old-fashioned Web hosting continues to "put up sites quick-and-easy" and list them with "all the Search Engines." But they do it without a thought about Content \"\" Traffic \"\" Presell \"\" Monetizing.

Result? Any site can get a few pages into the engines, but less than 1% rank
many pages high enough to be found. Without that free, self-generated, targeted traffic, they are doomed from DAY one.

You can easily spend $10,000+ to build a well-designed, usable, functional site. But if it cannot generate its own organic, warm, willing-to-buy visitors, if it cannot build your "Brand of One," and if it cannot do that long-term, it might as well not exist. Which brings up the following...


There Are No Bustling Crowds Online...

No one ever happens to "just pass by your site and notice it."


There are no crowds milling past your doorstep. Instead, individuals surf-through-search. Millions of individuals.



If you are in any business related to "peonies," that's good news, if you know how to capitalize upon it. And naturally, this example is true for all businesses. People are searching for information related to your business, or some aspect of it.

But here's the bad news that most e-businesses do not understand...

They are
not looking for you. No one is looking for you. After all, if they knew you existed, they would not be searching. They would already be customers.

prospective customers seek information. And yet...

What Is The Most Common Mistake Made
By Startup Online Businesses?

They fail to start at the beginning, by building the motor needed to drive to online success... Content \"\" Traffic \"\" Presell.   What is the "C \"\" T \"\" P motor"?

Get in front of your
potential clients by providing Content. Surfers find you, generating targeted Traffic. Win them over ("PREsell"). How? Give them what they want... quality solutions, answers, information!

Instead, most Web sites start at the end...
Monetization. They build sites about their businesses and their products and then are all set to Monetize (i.e., collect the money). There is little or no Content... at least not the type of information that people seek. So what?

So no
Traffic builds. And PREselling never gets a chance to build your "Brand of One."

Monetization is the final result of doing everything else (C \"\" T \"\" P) correctly. "M" comes last.

The easiest part of any small business site is collecting the money. The hardest part is building the C \"\" T \"\" P motor that delivers the PREsold visitors who are ready to convert into dollars.

Trying to reach
M without C \"\" T \"\" P is like trying to cross your country by automobile, without a motor. It can be done... but you will need a rather costly tow truck (AKA "advertising"). And that means you will never own your own motor.

We all like to do what is easy and fun (set up the "
M") and avoid what is hard (the C \"\" T \"\" P). And that is why 99% of online small businesses fail. No motor.

By the time a standard Web site is up, "quick-and-easy," it's too late.
The solution? The only solution? Do it correctly from the start, if you are just beginning. Or start over.


Build a Site that Works

Whatever your niche, whatever your planned monetization model.

One of the best ways to do this is to set up your site with Ken Envoy's Site-Sel system.



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